12, '2 year' => 24, '6 month' => 6, '3 month' => 3, '1 month' => 1, '5 year' => 60, '2 month' => 2, '3 year' => 36, '4 year' => 48, '7 year' => 84, '10 year' => 120, '4 month' => 4, '5 month' => 5, '9 month' => 9, '8 month' => 8, '11 month' => 11, '10 month' => 10, '7 month' => 7, '6 year' => 72, '9 year' => 108, '8 year' => 96, '7 day' => 0.23); return $search[$term]; }function sort_terms($a, $b) { $adist = intval($a['sort']); $bdist = intval($b['sort']); if ($adist == $bdist) { return 0; } return ($adist < $bdist) ? -1 : 1; }$hidefreetrial=true;$subpage = TRUE;$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='Track Accounts'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$trackaccounts=$op['value'];$qc=mysql_query("SELECT accountclicks FROM providers WHERE id='$providerid'", $db);$clickdata=mysql_fetch_assoc($qc);$clicks=$clickdata['accountclicks'];$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='accountclicks'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$nronce=intval($op['value']);//subscribe leave$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='subscribeleave'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$subscribeleave=$op['value'];$issubscribed = $_COOKIE['subscribed'];$seenpopup = $_COOKIE['seenpopup'];//Banks popup$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='yourbank'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$trackbank=$op['value'];$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='yourbankclicks'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$nroncebank=intval($op['value']); include($includePath."/includes/tables/vc_rates_term.php"); include($includePath."/includes/header_search.php");$frontpage = 'yes';?> '
A guaranteed investment certificate or GIC is a Canadian investment or savings product offered by banks that provides a customer with a fixed interest rate of return over a set period of time on a deposit balance. It is similar to a certificate of deposit in the United States or a time deposit in Asia