CitiFinancial Canada

Rate 26.99-39.99%
APR 27.99%
Currency CAD

Loan terms are up to 60 months and loan size is up to $20,000. The rate is based upon your credit score and other factors.

The rate of 26.99-39.99% is 26.99% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -26.99 % lower than the highest rate Updated Jun, 2018

on CitiFinancial Canada's secure website

Loan terms are up to 60 months and loan size is up to $20,000. The rate is based upon your credit score and other factors.

The rate of 26.99-39.99% is 26.99% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -26.99 % lower than the highest rate Updated Jun, 2018

on CitiFinancial Canada's secure website

Rate 26.99-39.99%
APR 27.99%
Currency CAD